Thursday, September 13, 2012


MCLARNIN vs GRAY: By Brian W. Zelley, B. Comm, CA

*Introduction: From a "Let's Talk Boxing - Ontario" facebook site
somebody claimed CLYDE GRAY was the best Canadian 
welterweight ever.  Now in order for that to be true, there is a need
to compare there records of achievement to deternine what
activity can support  the claims made.

We may all respect both
boxers for their long
records of achievement.
But, at the end of the day,
discussion or debate or
even a debate there
must be a selection based on a fair and objectivbe analysis of the records.

THE RECORDS and BACKGROUND of Jimmy and Clyde:
Jimmy fought the likes of Sammy Mandell, Barney Ross,
Tony Canzoneri, and Lou Ambers, while Clyde fought
the likes of Donato Paduano, Manuel Gonzalez and 
Jose Napoles and many others.